Beautiful Mind

By |2018-09-24T21:51:54+05:30September 24th, 2018|Zenlighted|

“The most beautiful things in this universe are inside the beautiful mind.” A beautiful mind will never cease to be incredible, however, we humans love to waste our amazing mind >>

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So Confused

By |2020-12-26T10:44:25+05:30February 5th, 2017|Blogs|

Why is man so confused while making decisions in life? Why does he lose focus about things that really matter the most? Instead of attacking the main subject, why does >>

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In the NOW

By |2017-11-03T17:24:27+05:30November 26th, 2016|Quote Shots|

You can see the horizon Yet you can't reach it. It appears within grasp. But disappears as you near it. Stop focusing on achievements. Start filling gaps in the Now.

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Attention Span

By |2019-06-21T09:40:19+05:30January 20th, 2016|Blogs|

Your attention span for any subject is just a few seconds. Your focus lasts for just some moments. So why does that happen? Why do people not pay attention to >>

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